Wednesday, May 10, 2006

another lesson life taught me....

here goes now... buks r gonna b history.. buks r gonna b history.... BUKS R FINALLY HISTORY yupp..dats jus my way of sayin i wrapped up my xams... n like i said earlier.. i dnt thnik i;ve delayed dis post very long :) .... hols n fun... go together eh? wnderin how m gonna get da second wrd fit into da first one... as i find more time for myself, i only realise m unfolding towards too many odds of...... of... of.. da 4 letter hevy wrd..LIFE... n today i add another attribute to it.. unpredictable... although i;v always realised dat life is supposed to b unpredictable.. but dis side of it unveild jus recently.. as i heard my best friend mourn into my ears, early at 6.30 on monday , whn i was reviewing for my xam, at da wee hour she calls to tell me, hell broke lose n shez lost one of her most precious being... her cries make me guess coz she i knew her father was ill, i had seen him jus few days bak... latyer in da day as i met her.. i realised.. i was da one she lukd upto atleast only for dat moment.. as she was there to rite her xam... n what dawned to me dat time.. is something i hardly ever thought of... never had i found a situation so difficult to deal with.. as i consoled her, i asked my innerself wat i am duing, it was her father n m telling her not to cry, to see da gud in it (which daughter can find gud in her father's death?) but still as v both spoke.. v realised.. how life is.. n what it teaches and dat it is da best teacher.... da one thing i had told my self few days bak... "smthings are better learnt by da harder way in life" i cud jus see dat situation reflecting it all... v both rote our xam n rushed out earlier dan v usually do... n as v spoke i felt .. she was feeling better... may b jus a lil, may b jus da size of of da nuclues or wateva smaller dan dat... life teaches... n i am learning... these are difficult lessons... but i m learning.... i rite dis as i mourn, my frnd;s loneliness... wid prayers dat they would emerge from this situation gracefully with the Almighty;s help, and wid thots dat lil dat i hav know of uncle.. i hope he rests in peace as Allah announces his maghfirath...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

oh yea..!!

ahaan... dis is wat cmz to my mind at dis point of time, "sm things in life are better learnt the harder way" must hav read it smwher, dat cant b da creativity err.. philosophy perhaps, of my mind.. neway.. fail to recollect, so wont take da credit, incase its worth it ( oh yea sane words are always appreciable) neywayss.. bak on trak.. buks like i;d said r gonna b history... dat day is fasssst apporachin.. but as i sit here to post, herez another thing dat cmz to my mind... one cant always be right, can one? to err is human... havin said dat.. y is it so difficult fer human to realize dat.. mistakes r things one learns frm... n if made fer da first time... unintentionalyy.. do they deserve punishmnt?... y do i feel they dont?.. umm umm blaaa.. losin trak again... hey.. hyderabadi jokes (language highlighted haan!!!) are da most circulated fwds since da last few months... two months to b 'em posted frm n NRI frnd(sheesh.. cudnt i think of a bettr description at dis point of time!!), who m sure had a gr8 time laughin at 'em jus like i did..... oh yeaa.. another thing dat cmz to my mind... how cn one person be soooooo very diffrnt whn he/she is wid two diffrnt ppl? difficult to digest.. sugary wid one... hurting another... wats true? bla bla blaaa.. next time i'll cm up wid better stuff to post, dnt wanna torture my readers( perhaps nil rite now) heyy last thing haan.. neone who cmz across dis post.. may be by mistake... plzzz spare sm time to post comments.. criticism is welcome yaaa.. i happn to take it well :D
signing off fer noww.. wont delay da next post fer long..