Monday, July 16, 2007

Commitment and more..

mmmmmmmmm... i opened this page to start off wid a "Good Morning" but it dint seem dat wya.... its 3.51 p.m.. so herez a Good Afternoon :) n i guess its good in every sense :)

first things frist... as i started off d day.. i had this thing in mind to put overhear which i had pondered over the weekend coz of sm situations/ circumstances dat i came across n sm lil things even zapped me... anyways.. "commitment" was d supposed agenda.. but like i just mentioned.. d aftnun is really gud.. n dats coz naidu aint here n so d the cpi gal gang planned a movie.. a supposed thriller!.. i;d rather call it a comic thriller... now dont luk at those two words separately or loosely.. imagin .. in the true sense of the word.. how would a comic thriller be? well.. it;d be like Naqaab. Although i liked Akhshaye khanna and d new girl was prety n nuthin more.. n bobby is so used to playing the "rich" guy!
ok .. nothin on a review now....
will get back on that serious note... now? na... mayb another dya.... coz dat mood aint alive... magr...... mmmm... its not gona b a no naidu day again!.. but hell ! how dz his presence have to matter ?

aneways.. lemme put it since i thought it would n i actuallyw as gonna...
A friend i know of... had a steady life.. was seeign a guy since quite smtime... n i actually thought they;d end up together forevr.... i was shocked wn i got to knw she had a proposal on hand n was desperate.. she reportedly said the family is very decent and they are very simple people.... i was a shocked, although ya i was a lil happy coz things seemd to be materializing.. but like i said i was more curious bout wat made her change her mind... i really thought she was committed. then? well ok family problems may b.. but still as of i know bout d person.. she;d b d kind to convince if she wills... moreover she had gud ties wid guyz family.. it cdnt b that things went rong anywhere...
well i mean.. when u think n know and feel that fine.. this is it.. then.. movin on wid life wid smthing else? possible? i dont know.. d thought kinda gives me a devastating shiver...

i know of ppl woh wudnt let go their loved one for anything too.. but not dat i am questioning the character or mind or heart of the other person..they sure know what theya re duin.... but it just makes me wonder.. how cn human mind of heart for dat matter fickle at such a rate especially about such important decissions about life....

i know of secret admirers too... ppl m talkin of here are d onez i closely know... whats surprising is.. irrespective of age... theirz such a variety in preferences when it comes such things... therre really isnt a way one can guess or predict what one might want... may b dats one those many things that uniquely identifies a human being...

aneways, i do belive what happens happens for gud.. coz the Planner is Supreme.

well.. all dat said... dats just one side of "commitment", i also know of ppl who dont find commitment an integral part of friendship.. i beg to differ there though.... commitment aint just bout promising to spend life together,,, wud b nice to c it in anything u do... in anything u share wid yourself or wid another one whoz close.. family/ friend !
i was taken aback when i heard of( from a trustful source) a frnd sayin that he had'nt committed to her, when all she had asked was you lied bout ur very own name? n there was nothing more between them than friendship. n so he dint find it important to tell his correct name?!!

anyways... may b more on dat someother time... i really need more variant insights on that to know of the different mentalities or thought processes the human mind exhibits.. or may b varying bundle of emotions d human heart swears to contain !!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I know m not suppose to feel like this

but.. :D
m feeling much better now...
coz.. :D
i got to kno..
hehe.. my pm got just 1% salalry hike! :D serves him rrrrrrrrittttte!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

:( :~ :`(

aakhri phiriwi hai meri abhi !!
i am no mood to rite! not 1 damn bit!
n m hating every damn thing
muummyyy hona meku abhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

isi shauq ka imtihaan zindagi hai...

i put my headfones on n the volume was full.... i wanted to lisn to Jaaveda Zindagi from Anwar... (awesome song yaaaa...) n so i did.... n my pals sittin about 4 cubicles away from mine coudl hear it :D, ab soncho??? heehhehe... ooparse Naidu's place is just beside mine.. m sure he heard d entire song ;)... lucky himm... meri wajah he got to hear a gudie (unless he wan on d fone yelling at sm1 !! )
nways.... d silly thing was... Soumendra was tryin to say smthin to me.. n since i cudnt hear him.. he hit d table wid the pen heheh :D ya.. he had to do that to grab my attention... dumb na? hehe.. very stupid...

newyas... m sure m quite popular wid my team bout not being able to hear wn i have my headfones on .. n these ppl are quite used to standing behind me for smtime whn i dont respond to their calls, n then i see htier reflection in this glass board here n realise sm1z there :D...... good or bad? i dotn know.... actually... i dotn really care... dats one thing i do here that i like... not gona let go it come what may ;)
therz jus one hting.. they never know whn my i put my headfones one ;) coz they never get to c 'em :D
waise bhi... my quality of work tends to improve with music in d backgrpund :), i do better coding n better analysis... :D

khair... its past 6... gotto push off....

Ciaoo ~!~

Saturday, July 07, 2007


wow!! doin this from home gives me dat long lost feeling... m homee done wid col, or perhaps jus exams n now waitin fr... ahhh... office?!#$%^&!! ... yea.. dats what i'd do.. sheesh.. its wierd to relate th present wid d past and think that.. ahh.. was this present.. my past's future???!! hehehe..... aneways... since its like this n i did want it like this... its kinda ok, may b i;d say its gr8 if itd be alil more better.. :D, dats soo human nai? hehe

i am not really sure what m duin here at this time... i mean... well office se.. theek hai.. coz i have that die hard feeling to use sommeee of time for myself there.. cmon.. 9.5 hrs, out of which m billed for 8? n even that m told very very very diplomatically... we must put in more effort ( yeaaa rritte!!!! )

na... m off here.. i think i like it better here when m at a not so gud place ;)
heyyyyyyyyyyy rehans heree .. i misshhdd himm shhooooo muchhhhhh.. cnt stay longer


Thursday, July 05, 2007

i just know i want to let go so many things rite now... i dont believe what has happened... i dont want to..... i just know htat i have'nt been so scared ever in my life, and perhaps never been so angry either.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

make clean/ make release! duh!!!

I am having helluva time ( dont ask me what helluva means.. i think its slang fr smthin n it sounded cute n it just clikd to me this very moment n so i put it.. n yea.. unlike i usually do, i dint run a dictionary check for this one.)
build n build n so many builds subah se
dats all m duin..
i jus hope i dont have to work on this anymore..
i really ireally really wish this package gets no more of work to b done.
newyas... ummmm na nuthin