Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Wierd Fascinations...

What could be fascinating about huge fat and round hairy creatures, jjumping around, playing around, doing things you cant figure out.. Rehan still loves watching them :) they are in wierd colours n move thir mouth in sucha funny manner..... hey.. even the busses n cars have huge eyes and they talk really well and about good things, but in the end..its all so rejuventaing to watch those dumb n silly things.. jumping around... laughing over things that otherwise dont seem like jokes... they'v got colorful strands on their heads that move in a rythm as they talk... n those eyes jus batter so cutely ..... but still... what is it that keeps those little eyes glued to the television n has all the attention of that tiny brain.. ahhhhh nonetheless........... entertaining to the core...
thats the CaRtOoN world. . . . .

1 comment:

namit said...

hmm.....pretty defensive but quite true i would say