Wednesday, July 09, 2008


They say it well u know, if you want to learn, you must from little kids, the innocence they offer is such a level above the intelligence of this so called materialistic societal nonsense, their idea of peace, joy, happiness, love, care is all so simple and so beautiful, n u know wat, i jus luv it the way they depict this stuff in cartoons :D, the naughtiness of bugs, the creepy mindset of tom, or the wacky ideas of jerry, the innocence of tweety, n goody goody thing of poo, the dumb atittude of tiger.. its all so simple, n easy, when they show all these emotions in so much color, i reall wonder how and why it gets messy when the same are emoted by humans :D

u see this pic oopar, wat color, wat contrast, wat peace nai :):) n the best thing is how it appeals to kids n how they undstand all those wierd characters emoting so well ... :) inspite dat they have no fingers on their hands (errr, although they are supposedly 4 legged animals :D:D), inspite that the huge characters hav tiny ears n the smaller ones have very big ears :D n that they are always h appy irrespective of anything, n even if they are galti se sad, the rest of the cartoon world is all set to cheer them up, n thats wat d whole episode is about.. :)... wierd na, cartoon makers usually pick such themes, perhaps witht hte idea to impart those kinda ethics to little growing minds n hearts, wudnt the world be a better place if we'd extend this to a higher level.. ummmm.. askin for too much 'eh ?

khaiirrrrr.. challllllllllta lite...
saw dat pic, n luvd to see d peace in it... :)

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